Legally, this option requires following the rules of the GPL, which essentially require the using code to be re-licensed under the GPL, making it open source also.
Technically, it requires the using code to run under JRE 8 or higher. Thus, the using code must either be Java code, or perhaps one of the newer languages that are compatible with the JVM (Java Virtual Machine).
Unfortunately, these two constraints will likely cause most CAD vendors to be either unwilling (legal constraint) or unable (technical constraint) to use this option.
This is almost certainly a more time-consuming (expensive) approach that Option 1 but, because it avoids the two constraints, is likely a better choice than Option 1 for most CAD vendors. However, there is a third option that is quicker than Option 2 and also avoids the Option 1 constraints:
Rather than viewing CM Creator as a competitor, view it as a companion. Use CM Creator as a very cost-effective (free) front-end to your own CAD suite for use in conceptual design. Then contribute a Java class that converts a Compartmentalized Model to a file format compatible with your own CAD suite for inclusion as an Export option in CM Creator. CModels can then be automatically transferred to your own CAD tools for downstream design stages and construction.